Providing additional equipment, training and support for New York State Forest Rangers to improve their unique abilities to protect lives and resources.
Why is this non-profit necessary?
The Forest Ranger Foundation was formed by a group of currently serving New York State Forest Rangers to provide better equipment, training and support for their work. As a relatively small state government entity the NY Forest Rangers face difficult budgetary and purchase process restrictions that limit their access to necessary items. As a result these Rangers take it upon themselves to purchase a variety of gear items to facilitate their job duties in state land protection, wildland firefighting and the ever expanding world of search and rescue. The Foundation seeks to meet many of these equipment needs by fundraising and seeking out private sector engagement.
Training is another critical need for Rangers. As an organization the Forest Rangers train in a wide range of disciplines that require continuous practice. The challenge to any training program is maintaining its currency. The Foundation will seek to give Rangers access to more trainings with other agencies to keep their techniques sharp in their wide array of disciplines.
Beyond equipment and training the Foundation will look at ways to support Rangers and their families in times of hardship. Resources will be sought to benefit the mental and physical health of currently serving Forest Rangers.
Who is running this organization?
The Forest Ranger Foundation is managed by a three member board of currently serving Forest Rangers. The board has the ability to establish committees to provide guidance and recommendations as needed. The Foundation bylaws stipulate that the board will forever by comprised of currently serving Forest Ranger 1s (Forest Ranger field staff). This requirement will ensure that the guidance and direction of the Foundation is always true to the needs of the present day Forest Ranger in the field.
What determines how the Foundation will invest its donations?
The Board will solicit feedback and guidance from Forest Rangers all over the State of New York to determine what their most critical needs are. Using that feedback the Foundation will generate targeted fundraisers for specific items or initiatives as well as more generalized fundraisers for reoccurring costs. For example, the Foundation might raise money and successfully source sleeping bags for the Forest Rangers in the field (targeted fundraiser). However each year, a percentage of those sleeping bags might be destroyed or lost and need replacement (reoccurring cost).
Why do Forest Rangers need so much gear?
Forest Ranger work requires a continuous flow of equipment and training to stay current with newest/best practices and to keep up with wear and tear. A simple insulated jacket can easily be torn to shreds after one or two hard rescue missions. Rangers work in the technical wildland environment in all weathers and all seasons. That environment breaks equipment without mercy.
What does my donation do?
Every dollar donated to the FRF will go to increase or improve Forest Ranger capabilities in New York State. When Rangers are called to work they are often trying to save lives. Therefore every competitive edge is worth pursuing to support that mission. This work is all about the never ending pursuit of perfection. Rangers start and end their careers learning and trying to do better for the sake of the lives and property they are sworn to protect. Funding for this Foundation will go toward that pursuit.
Please consider donating.